At Pure & Essential Minerals, they believe skin care products should nourish the skin, the same way that fresh food nourishes the body. Here is what the company has to say about their Dead Sea mud mask.

*Dead Sea minerals cleanse and soften your skin, reducing pores
*No harsh chemicals or artificial additives
*No more expensive spa visits for optimum natural skin care
*30+ facial treatments per jar
*100% natural and organic
*Effective relief for skin disorders such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis
*Animal cruelty free
Now, immediately after I applied a medium layer of this mud to my face, I felt an intense burning sensation. I thought, "okay, I'll give it one minute. If this burning doesn't stop I'm taking it off". But it did stop, almost immediately. Not only did it stop but it was quickly replaced by a pleasant cooling sensation. I let the mask stay on for 10 minutes and then wiped it off with circular motions and a washcloth. My skin felt tight, moisturized, and soft after the mask was taken off. The best part is that it continued to have that cooling effect, even after the mask was removed. I always have fun with mud masks and I am certain that if I continue to use this mask once per week I will look like this in no time at all.
You can purchase this mask here on Amazon for $24.77
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