Tastykakes! Have you tried them? Have you even heard of them? I tried my first Tastykake after receiving a complimentary S'Mores Kandy Bar Kake in my Spring VoxBox from
Influenster for testing and reviewing purposes.
I wasn't even hungry when I tried it so I thought "I'll just have one bite and then I'll save the rest for dessert". I was immediately impressed with how soft it was. Usually this type of product is a good snack, but they tend to be somewhat hard and do not often taste fresh. Tastykakes Bar was so soft it could have been fresh out of the oven. In fact, next time I might microwave for just a few seconds and it will truly taste fresh. A little ice cream on top will seal the deal!

So my first bite was impressive and I thought "just one more bite". I mean look at it...you would have done the same. Actually the picture does not really do it justice. Trust me it was so good. The cake is moist and fluffy with a perfect chocolate shell! Is your mouth watering yet? I'm looking forward to trying the other flavors soon. Well needless to say...
....I ate the whole thing.
Haha! Good story, very entertaining.